Tuesday, July 19, 2011


You ever heard the expression 'The best things in live are free.' Well that expression is true.' Every once in a while, people step up they rise above themselves sometimes they surprise you and sometimes they fall short.
Life is funny sometimes.
It can push pretty hard but if you look close enough, you can find hope in the words of wise men, in the lyrics of a song and in the eyes of someone you love.
 And if you're lucky, if you're the luckiest person on this entire planet, the person you love decides to love you back.
I am a lucky one. I have at most points in my life... have had bad luck, the misfortune and the pain. But people can change..life can change.

You can choose to blame your circumstances on fate or badluck or bad choices.
Or you can fight back.
Things aren't always going to be fair in the real world. That's just the way it is.
But for the most part, you get what you give.
Rest of your life is being shaped right now. With the dreams you chase....The choices you make....and the person you decide to be.
The rest of your life is a long time. And the rest of MY life is looking good.

Most of our life is a series of images. They pass us by like towns on the highway. But sometimes a moment stuns us as it happens. And we know that this instant is more than a fleeting image. We know that this moment, every part of it, will live on forever....

Friday, July 8, 2011

Friday Favorites

this weeks things are pretty random... but i hope you enjoy them

Favorite Movie:    Mrs. Doubtfire.. "ohhh HELLLOOO"

Favorite Decor Idea:

Favorite piece of advice: (from a tea bag)

Favorite Day Dream... :

Favorite Flower Arrangement:

Favorite person to make me laugh:

Have a great Weekend!

Every song ends but is that any reason not to enjoy the music?

You know I've got this theory, there are two kinds of people in the world. There are lyric people and music people. You know, the lyrics people tend to be analytical. You know, all about the meaning of the song. They're the ones you see with the CD insert out like 5 minutes after buying it, pouring over the lyrics, interpreting the hell out of everything. Um, then there’s the music people, like Eric. Who could care less for the lyrics as long as its just got like a good beat and you could dance to it. I don’t know, sometimes it might be easier to be a music girl and not a lyric girl. But since I’m not, let me just say this. Sometimes things find you when you need them to find you, I believe that. And for me its usually song lyrics. 

Glitter In The Air"                

Have you ever fed a lover with just your hands?
Closed your eyes and trusted, just trusted?
Have you ever thrown a fist full of glitter in the air?
Have you ever looked fear in the face and said, "I just don't care"?

It's only half past the point of no return
The tip of the iceberg
The sun before the burn
The thunder before the lightning
The breath before the phrase
Have you ever felt this way?

Have you ever hated yourself for staring at the phone?
You're whole life waiting on the ring to prove you're not alone
Have you ever been touched so gently you had to cry?
Have you ever invited a stranger to come inside?

It's only half past the point of oblivion
The hourglass on the table
The walk before the run
The breath before the kiss
And the fear before the flames
Have you ever felt this way?

La La La La La La La La

There you are, sitting in the garden
Clutching my coffee,
Calling me sugar
You called me sugar

Have you ever wished for an endless night?
Lassoed the moon and the stars and pulled that rope tight?
Have you ever held your breath and asked yourself will it ever get better than tonight?

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Dog days are ovvverr..

Happiness comes in many forms.
In the company of good friends,
in the feeling you get when you make someone else’s dreams come true,or in a promise of hope renewed.
It’s ok to let yourself be happy,
because you never know how great that happiness might be.
Sometimes pain becomes such a huge part of your life,
that you expect it to always be there,
because you can’t remember a time in your life when it wasn’t.
But then one day you feel something else.
Something that feels wrong only because it’s so unfamiliar,
and in that moment you realize you’re happy.

what makes me happy:

